Atheist are not bad people


what I don’t understand is why religious Nigerians such as Christians and Muslims dislike atheist more than they dislike each other…Christianity and Islam as similar as they may seem are not the same and belief  in one will be entirely contradictory to the other ,  even within Christianity the catholic faith is very different from pentecostal faiths ,they are so different that they might as well be considered different religions. but the truth is that atheism ,Christianity ,Islam are all different beliefs . you may think an atheist is a bad or evil person ,that is not  true ,a relatively recent poll suggest that 1% of the population in Nigeria are atheist ,that is the second lowest number in the world in the world ,Ghana being the lowest with 0%(because the amount of atheist is too small) ,both Nigeria and Ghana are actually the two most religious countries in the world and yet they are not the best countries in the world ,corruption as rotten-ed Nigeria especially, Germany which has 25% atheist and France about 33% atheist in its population are one of the worlds best countries ,economically and otherwise . Adolf hitler was not an atheist he belonged Officially to the catholic church ,but he did not participate in the the church’s actiities but he made even his surbo-rdinates members ,he was a bad person but he claimed Christianity . what am trying to say here is that  your beliefs don’t make you a bad or a good person ,you define who you are . I am an atheist i have not killed anybody ,i have not stolen before ,i hardly tell lies but you will still think i am of the devil, whereas some people that claim to be Christians ,kill ,steal and destroy so you cannot judge a person by what they claim to belong to ,i am an atheist and i am a good person .you mare be feeling angry but  Human beings are always going to be controlled by emotions such as hate, fear ,love E.T.C

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